Fifty of Jupiter’s moons are less than 10 kilometers in size. In this article: Galilean Moons of Jupiter l Ganymede l The Nature of the Moons that Orbit Jupiter ANSWER: Jupiter has sixty-seven moons. More Info: Jupiter has many moons and satellites most of which are less than ten kilometers in size. Of the sixty-seven known moons of Jupiter (as of 2012), only seventeen are larger than 6.2 miles in diameter. [“Jupiter’s Moons: Facts About the Largest Jovian Moons”] Galilean Moons of Jupiter Floating around Jupiter are four of the largest moons in the entire Solar System. These four moons were discovered by Galileo Galilei in the seventeenth century, and as such are named the Galilean Moons. These moons are Io, Europa, Callisto, and the largest moon of all, Ganymede. [“Solar System Exploration: Planets: Jupiter: Moons.” NASA] Ganymede Of all the moon’s orbiting planets in the solar system, Ganymede is the largest, almost half as big as Earth and larger than the planet Mercury. It orbits the planet Jupiter roughly every seven days. Various space probes have studied Ganymede and discovered that is has a thin oxygen atmosphere and presumably an underground ocean two hundred kilometers beneath the ice [...]